In diatomic form, N 2 gas is the most abundant free element in the Earth’s atmosphere and makes about 78% of it, along with oxygen, carbon dioxide etc. If forms a distinct surface coverage on Pluto.

It is ranked as the 7 th most abundant element in the universe and is present in the Solar System and the Milky Way. Nitrogen is a very common element, both on Earth and in the universe. Sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate (then termed as saltpeter) were the earliest known compounds of nitrogen that has various industrial, military and agricultural applications.

In 1970, nitrogene (French word) was given to the element by Antoine Chaptal and in 1974 it became nitrogen in English language. Earlier, Antoine Lavoisier used the term azote (Greek) meaning no life for nitrogen, which later became choke or to suffocate and the term pnictogens (Greek for choke) was assigned to Group 15 due to nitrogen. During the same time, several other chemists, including Joseph Priestly, Wilhelm Scheele and Henry Cavendish carried out various experiments to discover and identify nitrogen and they termed it as phlogisticated air or burnt air. He found that it was that component of the air that did not support combustion. Nitrogen was discovered as a novel element by Daniel Rutherford (1722) and he termed it as the noxious air. The solution was termed as aqua regia (royal water). And mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acid was formed that has the ability to dissolve the Nobel metal and the king of metals, gold. It was known as aqua fortis the strong water. And its use as ammonium chdirde has been known to Herodotus, Middle Ages civilizations and Alchemists. Nitrogen is one of the prehsitric elements. It was first discovered and isolated by Scottish physician Daniel Rutherford in 1772. Nitrogen is a chemical element with symbol N and atomic number 7.